NBA – “The All-Star Game? Horrible, and it’s because of… Steph Curry!”
As has been the trend for the past few years, the All-Star Game once again disappointed many NBA fans and observers.
Including its former players, one of whom did not hesitate to publicly blame… Stephen Curry.
For the first time since 2000, the San Francisco Bay Area hosted the All-Star Weekend festivities and hoped to revive interest in the event.
Stephen Curry, for his part, was keen to shine for the occasion, which he did before inheriting the All-Star Game MVP trophy.
The game, however, was yet another flop with the fans, which the Chef had actually prepared for.
After All-Star Game, a former player slams Stephen Curry
When previously interviewed by Tim Kawakami of The Athletic, Curry revealed that he had been consulted by Adam Silver about tweaking the All-Star Game:
Stephen Curry: I told him it was not a bad thing to change everything and try something new, knowing that we could always go back to the traditional format if what he decided to implement did not work.
Then I listed a number of ideas to try to shorten the game a little bit and create different types of scenarios that could revive the competitive spirit among the players.
Obviously, the players are the ones who ultimately control things.
But I like the format that has been adopted. It will be different.
It will also be criticized, and that is to be expected.
The Chef certainly didn’t mean to say so well, since former bust Kwame Brown directly incriminated him in his podcast Bust Life after being very disappointed by these innovations:
Kwame Brown: I watched the game and I could only be disgusted.
The NBA All-Star Game as we know it is over. We forget.
I thought the competitiveness of the NBA was low but after watching this All-Star Game, where the best are supposed to compete, and witnessing this horrible performance, I put it into perspective.
What was this thing with four teams having to reach 40 points? It makes no sense!
(…) Stephen Curry contributed to this version of the All-Star Game, so no wonder it was so bad.
This game was horrible, and sorry for him, but it’s because of Steph Curry.
In view of such a comeback, which many followers share, it’s a safe bet that Adam Silver will opt for a return to a more classic format.
Steph should, for his part, be able to digest this failure, he who had after all anticipated this kind of refractory reaction.
Anything but excited by the novelties of the All-Star Game, Kwame Brown has visibly taken into account Stephen Curry’s involvement in this process.
No question then for him to spare the Chief following his unpleasant experience as a spectator.